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Why I Love the THINK Conference

I love the annual THINK conference at College Park Church. So much in fact that my wife and I have weaved it into our anniversary celebrations over the years–romantic, I know. It’s safe to say that I love THINK. But why? Three reasons stick out:

1. The emphasis on theological development.

A.W. Tozer is known for stating that the most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about God. I love that. By definition, everyone is a theologian because everyone has a view of God. The question is not—am I a theologian? The question is—am I a good one? Yet in my experience churchmen tend to gravitate towards other things: Christian practice, spiritual disciplines, social justice, and  practical theology. While all of these things are good and right, they must be surrounded by an accurate biblical-theological framework in order to function the way God intended. THINK has served as a theological pulse check for me every year—reminding me of what is important. Namely, my view of God.

2. No matter who you are—you learn.

Bruce Ware. Jim Hamilton. Erwin Lutzer. D.A. Carson. John Piper. Ravi Zacharias. Every year the featured THINK speakers never fail to deliver robust theological truths in engaging ways. From the book of Jeremiah to an overview of the life of Martin Luther, each presentation I’ve ever listened to has left me captivated and inspired to learn more. So whether you are a new believer or a seasoned minister, you are guaranteed to walk away from THINK wishing it lasted longer.

3. Lots of (cheap) books.

One of the biggest perks of attending the THINK conference is the huge selection of solid books on sale for 40-75% off their original price.

I have friends that literally wait to buy books all year until the THINK conference because they can save hundreds of dollars. This is a great service to the church and a huge incentive to attend THINK.

​THINK|19 is coming up March 1-3, 2019. Dr. Jarvis Williams and Bryan Loritts will be speaking on biblical unity in diversity with an emphasis on racial harmony. I encourage you to register and attend. Soli Deo Gloria!

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